steven blatt, m.d.

Professor of Pediatrics
Director, ENHANCE Services for Children in Foster Care
Director, Division of General Pediatrics
Upstate Medical University

Dr. Blatt is Professor of Pediatrics and Director, Division of General Pediatrics at Upstate Medical University and Medical Director of University Pediatric and Adolescent Center.  Since its founding in 1991, Dr. Blatt has been the Director of ENHANCE Services for Children in Foster Care, a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and primary health care program for children in foster care. 

Dr. Blatt was a member of the task force which wrote Fostering Health:  Health Care for Children and Adolescents in Foster Care for the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Dr. Blatt has participated on local, state and national advisory committees to governmental agencies, including the NYS Department of Health, the NYS Office of Child and Family Services, the NYS Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, CASA of New York State, the Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board to the Governor of NY, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Center on Human Policy, and the Child Welfare League of America.